Fill your heart with God’s promise of healing and wholeness
(replace sickness & pain).


Sickness & Pain
Afflicted with disease and sickness; lacking health or soundness; malady; weak; pained; injured.


Healing & Wholeness
Physical healing, freedom from sickness or disease; to make sound or whole; to make well again; to restore to health and vibrancy.


The Enemy’s Lies
”Your body is doomed. You have no health or soundness. And Jesus is not going to heal you. He doesn’t do that anymore. Besides, sickness and pain runs in your family and always will! Just accept it, there’s no hope of you being healed or made whole!”


God’s Promise
Matt. 9:35, Ps. 103:2-3, Isa. 53:4, 5
Lk. 18:33, Jn. 19:1, Gal. 3:13, 1 Pet. 2:24
Matt. 8:16-17, Acts 10:38, Matt. 10:1, Luke 9:1
Mk. 5:32-3, 34, Lk. 5:12, 13, Mk. 10:52
Lk. 17:17-19, Matt. 8:13, Lk. 6:17, 18, 19
Exod. 23:25-26, Ps. 92:13-14, Exod. 15:26
Ps. 105:37, Heb. 13:8, Jer. 30:17, Mal. 4:2
Matt. 9:22, Lk. 18:42, Matt. 15:28, Lk. 7:50


Faith in the Enemy’s Lies
As you agree with the enemy's lies of the "inevitability" of sickness and pain in your body, you strengthen your conviction that you will get sick or stay sick. This reinforces or produces ailments in your body.


Faith in God’s Promise
As you meditate on the scriptures about healing, you see that everywhere Jesus went… He healed them all. You thus conclude accurately that He wants you whole and healthy. As you agree with God's promise of healing and wholeness, because Jesus bore your sickness and pain on the cross, your faith is bolstered. You develop an expectation of the full manifestation of what He has already paid for- you’re total healing.