
This is the most important decision you will ever make. If you have never been born of God’s Spirit… today is the day (John 3:5). The Bible says that we have all turned our backs on God and gone our own way (Isaiah 53:6). We all fall short of His glory (Romans 3:23).

When we stop to consider that God is holy and righteous and perfect, it makes sense that nothing corrupt, vile, or dissonant can have fellowship with Him. Let me ask you a few questions: Have you ever stolen something? Anything? What about a pen or a note pad from work or something from school? Or how about misrepresenting something on your taxes? If you answered “yes” to that question you’ve broken the eighth commandment (Exodus 20:15). Because God is holy, righteous, and perfect, you (a thief according to God’s righteous law), cannot have a relationship with Him, nor inherit His promises, nor go to heaven. Here’s another one: Have you ever lusted in your heart after anyone? Ever watched porn? Ever fantasized about someone who was not your spouse? Jesus said if we even look at a woman with lust in our heart we’ve committed adultery in our heart (Matthew 5:28). If you answered “yes” to that question, you’ve broken the seventh commandment and you are an adulterer (Exodus 20:14). Based on that you cannot have a relationship with God, nor inherit His promises, nor go to heaven. How about this one: Have you ever coveted something that didn’t belong to you? Ever wished you had something that belonged to someone else? A certain car, house, job, spouse, toy… fill in the blank? You guessed it, if you answered “yes” to that question you cannot have a relationship with God, nor inherit His promises, nor go to heaven. You’ve broken the tenth commandment and fallen short of His perfect standards (Exodus 20:17). One more diagnostic quesiton: Have you ever taken God’s name in vain? Ever blurted out the name of Jesus as a swear word? If so, you’ve broken the third commandment and you cannot have a relationship with God, nor inherit His promises, nor go to heaven (Exodus 20:7). In fact, the Bible says that if you break even one commandment you are guilty of breaking them all (James 2:10). Based on God’s requirement of perfection to be with Him, to inherit His promises, and to enter heaven, if you have ever sinned (even once) you will not only be unable to have any fellowship with God here on earth, but, according to the Bible, you are cursed and in danger of being cast into hell- separated from God and everything that is good for all eternity (Matthew 25:41).

So you see our dilemma? We all fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). We’ve all blown it. We’ve all sinned and broken God’s holy righteous pure and perfect standards. So how do we get right with God? How could we possibly know God and enjoy a relationship with Him, inherit His promises (like every good Father gives to his kids), and be assured that we have access to heaven for all eternity? Well, I have good news to share with you! God made a way for us to get right with Him, to be made righteous and pure in His sight. He also made a way for us to proclaim and call forth His promises… in this life! And He made a way for us to be with Him and His family in heaven forever!!!

Jesus, being sinless, fulfilled God’s requirement of a perfect life on our behalf (Matthew 5:17). In doing so, He nailed that which was opposed to us, the law, to the cross (Col. 2:14). This is how much God loves us, He sent His one and only son to die in our place to rescue us (John 3:16). Jesus took all of our our sins, into His body on the cross, so that we could become God’s righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21)! The Bible says Jesus is the “propitiation” (atoning sacrifice) for our sins (1 John 2:2). He bore all of our transgressions and iniquities (Isaiah 53:5). But He also bore all of our griefs and sorrows/emotional pain on the cross (Isaiah 53:4). All God asks from us is that we believe, have faith, in His redemptive transaction - Jesus dying on the cross in our place and resurrecting from the dead so that we could have new life “in Him” (John 11:25-26). If we believe this good news and confess that Jesus is Lord, we are “saved” (Rom. 10:9-10). We receive God’s righteousness through faith in Christ (Philippians 3:9). Upon our confession of faith in Jesus, He sends His Spirit to live in our hearts; we are made His sons and daughters with full legal right to inherit His promises (Gal. 4:6-7, 2 Cor. 1:20)!! AND, our names are written in the Book of Life and we are guaranteed a place in heaven (John 14:2, Rev. 21:4, 27).

Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart right now (Revelation 3:20). He wants you to acknowledge and accept what He did for you on the cross. He wants you to have faith in Him instead of your own efforts. God is calling out to you; He longs for you to be reconciled to Him through Jesus. He wants you to be part of His family, forever (John 3:16). That’s the good news! Do you believe this? If so, let God know. Talk to Him.

Here’s a prayer to help you be born of God’s Spirit:

“Dear Lord. I come to You right now. I confess that I fall way short of Your holy, righteous, perfect requirements for a relationship with You. I realize that I can’t have a relationship with You without You providing atonement for my sins. Your word says that You sent Jesus to die on the cross to save me. I believe that right now… right here. I confess that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day for my salvation. I invite You into my heart to take over and give me new life. I call upon You. I want this gift of righteousness that You are offering me. Come now and live in me. Make me new and make Your home in my heart. In Jesus name. Amen.”

The Bible says that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord… will be saved (Romans 10:13).

It also says that there’s a party in heaven when one sinner repents (Luke 15:10). AND, God can use your decision to receive Jesus as a pathway for your whole family to be saved (Acts 16:31)!

If you prayed that prayer and meant it from your heart, you have just been born of God’s Spirit. You are no longer a sinner but a saint, and you have access to God’s kingdom by faith (John 3:3, 5). You are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)!

Welcome to God’s family!

And now, my friend, it’s time to begin the amazing journey of living in our Father’s kingdom as one of His beloved children - no longer a slave to this world or sin… but an heir of God through Christ (Galatians 4:6-7). You will discover new friends… brothers and sisters “in Christ.” And you will begin the wonderful journey of allowing Jesus to heal your soul and renew your mind through His word/The Bible (Romans 12:2, James 1:21). This is what the Bible calls, “sanctification” (Hebrews 10:14).

Again, welcome to God’s family! :-)